Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Two best skateboarding tricks

Two best skateboarding tricks

Jump Starter

If you follow my advice below, the two best skateboarding tricks to learn new skater can learn, they are easy, fun, and your friends will be impressed.

The most important trick that any new skater can learn is the ollie. This trick is an essential part of almost all other advanced trick, and here I will show you exactly how to do it.

Stay on the board with the back foot until the end of the tail, the front foot should be directly behind the centerBoard of Directors. Keep your knees bent at all times, and if you are learning this move do not try to drive too fast, as you fall and end up on you tube.

To start this step you need to crouch as low as you can get on your table, the less is the higher you will be able to ollie. Then you need to hit the foot down as hard as you can and jump as high as possible. Slide your front foot forward until it just above the truck in front and bend forward. Maintaining the balance over theCenter of the board and absorb shock of landing by bending your knees.

Now you have learned the Ollie, it's time to get to more advanced tricks. The next thing I'm going to tell you the flip kick. This looks really impressive, but it is actually quite simple.

They start just like it did for ollies. This time, after the tail hit as hard as you can and blow it up, slide your front foot forward, but also film above the edge of the cardand press it at the same time. If you do this correctly the front foot, 360-degree turn at the table. You will learn exactly how to use too much pressure on the front foot to the board, not accomplish, if it is too hard or too soft, too much or too little spin and you end up saving.

As I said make sure you keep your knees bent at all times during each trick. This will help you maintain balance and also the risk ofThey hurt themselves. When you learn a trick new brand is always a good idea to move without it, or on the lawn or do on a piece of carpet.

If you follow my advice makeup like a pro in no time skating. You should practice every day to make sure that this perfect makeup, then you can actually go to the advanced.

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